Happy Constitution Day!
Support the Second Amendment Institute on this historic day celebrating our hallowed Constitution!
It’s an exciting time at the Second Amendment Institute and a great day for people of all ages and backgrounds to come together for lifelong learning and to explore the values that unite us as Americans.
With your most generous, tax-deductible contribution of $49 or more, the Second Amendment Institute can continue to educate millions of Americans per year on the importance of preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution of the United States of America.
Help the Second Amendment Institute reach and teach millions of Americans, especially the young, about our great heritage of the Second Amendment.
Your generous gift today will...
Spread the message of this historic lawsuit across the nation.
Inform your fellow Americans on their Constitutional rights, despite what Joe Biden may say.
Encourage others to follow our lead and sue states over so-called “assault weapons” bans.
Everyone who donates today, Tuesday September 17, will receive a pocket Constitution.