You can defend liberty and American history through education with the Second Amendment Institute.

For your gift of $99 or more to the Second Amendment Institute, you will receive a commemorative 3' x 5' American flag flown over George Washington’s home, Mt. Vernon (made in the U.S.A.). Your flag comes with a special American themed presentation box and certificate of authenticity!

This special U.S. flag is a powerful symbol of America’s history, and of the principles on which the Revolution was fought and won.

In the words of President George Washington, "I can truly say I had rather be at Mount Vernon with a friend or two about me, than to be attended at the Seat of Government by the Officers of State and Representatives of every Power in Europe."

Americans learned about and revered these ideas throughout our nation's history.

Sadly, because of the radical gun control cabal’s hijacking of history education, this is no longer true.

Help the Second Amendment Institute reach and teach millions of Americans, especially the young, about our Second Amendment rights.

The Second Amendment Institute is the only national gun rights organization in America equipped to reach and teach millions of Americans about the importance of liberty and why our founding principles are at the heart of America’s unparalleled freedom and prosperity.

Since it’s beginning in 2017, SAI has remained true to its original mission: educating, activating, and empowering individuals to be effectively mobilized for the Second Amendment.

Today, SAI offers the very best classical education in the land to nearly 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students on its Michigan and Washington, D.C. campuses. 

The College extends its mission nationwide to millions of Americans through effective educational outreach efforts on behalf of liberty. Donations from hundreds of thousands of supporters help to make this work possible.