2023 2A Champion Award

Congressman Chip Roy of Texas and Dianna Muller (President/Founder of the DC Project), were awarded with the Second Amendment Institute’s annual Second Amendment Gun Rights award for their unmatched dedication to defending the Second Amendment of all Americans.

Fifty Second Amendment activists packed the house at the private residence steps away from the U.S. Capitol to honor Rep. Roy and Muller with beverages provided by Ammunition Distillery.

Notable attendees included Dick Heller (DC v. Heller), Cheryl Todd (SAI Board of Directors/DC Project Arizona State Director), Karla Mooney (DC Project Maryland State Director), Staci Claunch (DC Project Southwest Regional Director), and Brian Oakes (DC Young Republican Chairman).

Join the Second Amendment Institute today to receive updates about this event and more at: https://www.sainational.org/join

Learn More About the DC Project: https://www.dcproject.info

Photoed Below:

1) Congressman Chip Roy and Dianna Muller
2) SAI President Tyler Yzaguirre, Congressman Chip Roy, and Dianna Muller
3) Congressman Chip Roy addresses attendees
4) DC Project ladies with an attendee in the middle of the group
5) Dianna Muller addresses attendees

A special thank you to Congressman Chip Roy’s staff, the DC Project, and HSP Direct for making this event possible.